Bull City Track Club

Bull City Track Club is the track and cross-country club associated with Bull City Running Co. We welcome athletes of all ages and fitness abilities from recreational to elite runners. There is no pace requirement to be a part of the club. We’re here to provide training opportunities with a focus on improving fitness and goal setting by utilizing camaraderie within a team environment. We believe this is the key component for consistency in training and progression. We offer varying levels of discounts at the store, which correlate with different levels of achievement and contribution to foster and reward team involvement. Plus, we have plenty of goal races throughout the year that we participate in as a team.
We offer weekday and weekend group run opportunities, from speed workouts to long runs, in Durham. Plus, Bull City Track Club can connect you with numerous other group runs in the area!
We are always looking for folks to join the team. If you’d like more information about the club, send a note to bullcitytrackclub@gmail.com
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