Bulletproof Your Hips

Bulletproof Your Hips with Emodied Phyzio
Sept. 28 @ 6:15pm
Bull City Running Co – South Durham
Are your hips tired and cranky after your runs? Do they bother you the next day? Are you not feeling the burn where you want to?
Join us on September 28th at our South Durham shop for a clinic presented by JJ Hurst, DPT of The Embodied Physio to learn more about what causes hip pain in runners and what you can do to avoid and rehabilitate it.
This workshop is designed to equip you with the following:
- Relief tools to help manage your pain and stretch out your tight spots
- Exercises you can do anywhere to help improve your run form so you can go faster, for longer.
This workshop is free, but please register here if you plan to attend.
When & Where
Thursday, Sept. 28 @ 6:15pm
Bull City Running Co – South Durham
There is no cost for this clinic, but registration is required.