Endurance Fueling 101

Monday, June 24 @ 6:15pm
Bull City Running Co – South Durham

If you’re training for a fall half marathon, marathon, or ultra you’re definitely in for some sweaty summer training! But summer endurance training doesn’t have to leave you completely drained! Run further, delay fatigue and feel better with proper fueling and hydration!

Join us at the South shop on June 24th to get some pro tips from performance dietitian Chris Newport on the following:

  • What to eat and drink, how much and when for the best running performance
  • Common mistakes to avoid
  • How to pick the right fuel for before, during and after runs
Participants will also receiveĀ The Endurance Edge‘s free Runner’s Fueling and Hydration Cheat Sheet and special giveaways!

This event is free, but please register here!