Trail Run Sundays!

Get off road with us Sunday Mornings @ 8:00am!

Tired of running the same roads day after day? Spend a whole year inside and need to reconnect with people and nature?

Give your legs a break from the concrete and join us for some off-road miles, Sundays @ 8:00am!

All paces are welcome and you just might find a new favorite running locale. A Strava map and parking location will be provided for each upcoming run. (Make sure to sign up for updates in the “Register” section to the right!) Many of the trails can be run out-and-back, so you can modify distances to meet your needs.

We will meet in the parking lot, break into pace/distance groups, and go for a run! All paces are welcome!

Not all trails will have access to potable water, so plan ahead for your hydration and fueling needs. Although many of these trails can be run in road shoes, we do recommend trail shoes for the best experience (especially if things get a little wet and muddy).

*All meet-ups are 8:00am*

March 2: Occoneechee Mountain 
Occoneechee Mountain Parking
Occoneechee Mt Strava Map (5 Miles)
Note: Water and bathrooms available.

March 9: Mountains-to-Sea Trail @ Hickory Hill Boat Ramp
Hickory Hill Parking
Route: Hickory Hill to Boardwalk Strava Route (out-and-back, up to 15 miles)

March 16: Eno River State Park @ West Point on the Eno
Route: Up to 10+ miles (out-and-back)
Notes: Water and restrooms available 

March 23: Mountains-to-Sea Trail @ Blue Jay Point County Park 
(MST 12M / 50K Challenge Course Preview Run)
Parking: Park in lot near playground
Route: 12+ miles out-and-back on the MST
Notes: Bathrooms and water available at trailhead

March 30: Carolina North Forest
(Philosophers Way Trail Runs Preview Run)
Carolina North Forest Parking
Carolina North Strava Map 5 Mile
Carolina North Strava Map 7 Mile
Notes: No water available; portajon typically in parking lot




Please complete this quick form if you would like us to notify you about upcoming Trail Run Sunday meet-ups!

The Fine Print

We offer these events as an opportunity to get the running community together for some fresh air, friendship, and to encourage your training for upcoming races. All ages, paces, and abilities are welcome. All participants are running at their own risk. Please ensure you bring adequate hydration and nutrition. Please be aware of the risks inherent in trail running including, but not limited to: roots, rocks, uneven ground, natural and man-made obstacles, falling down, and injury (AKA trail love). Be safe, have fun!