Run Local Spotlight: Deb Teitelbaum

Check out Deb’s finishing kick as she heads to the finish line at the Ales for Rail Trails 5K![/caption]
Run Local Spotlight: Deb Teitelbaum
Because we could all use community connection these days, we’re bringing back the Run Local Community Spotlight! Allow us to introduce Deb Teitelbaum, a Bull City Running Co. training group alumnus and Bull City Beer Runner. We asked her to share some of her fun and witty musings on running and the impact it has on her life.
[caption id="attachment_3627" align="alignleft" width="200"] Photographic evidence that Deb completed that 1st marathon she trained for all by herself: Chicago 2000.
BCRC/Ellen: What’s your Bull City Running Co. connection? Tell us how you found us, or how we found you!
Deb: In 2016, I joined Bull City Beer Runners, a most excellent Meet Up Group, and began entering road races with other members. Many of the races were sponsored by BCRC, so I got on a mailing list, which led to joining the half-marathon training program through BCRC which led to needing more running shoes, which, of course, led me back to BCRC. It’s like the mafia. You can’t leave.
BCRC/Ellen: All part of our plan for world domination Deb! So glad you fell for it hook, line, and sinker!
BCRC/Ellen: What running goals are you currently working towards? What does your road towards accomplishing these goals look like?
Deb: When I was working from home, I had no excuse not to get four or five runs a week completed. I started a new job in July and, almost immediately, abandoned all exercise–partly due to the heat and partly due to the exhaustion (I’m a high school principal). So my current goal is simply to get back to where I was a few months ago. After that, I’d like to shave a few minutes off my time so I’m averaging 9:45/mile.

Deb approaching the finish of the 2016 Bull City Race Fest. Based on that course, we’d say she chose the right shirt for the occasion!
BCRC/Ellen: Great goals! We can only imagine that the life of a high school principal is exhausting, especially in the throes of a global pandemic. But making time to get a run in when you can will help you fight fatigue and stress, AND improve your mile time!
BCRC/Ellen: What is your proudest running accomplishment?
Deb: I trained for my first marathon totally on my own. I don’t recommend it, but it can be done. I was living in Chicago at the time and would wait until evening to do my long runs around the city, stopping at sandwich places for water when I needed it. One guy asked how far I was running.
“I’ve done 16. I’ve got 4 more to go.”
“Lady, the only time I ever run that far is when I was running from the po-lice.”
BCRC/Ellen: What’s the most significant life lesson running has taught you?
Deb: As I’ve gotten older, I’ve learned the importance of listening to and respecting what my body is telling me. “No pain, no gain” is a platitude for young folks. “No pain is awesome!” is more appropriate at this stage of life. Having spent a considerable amount of time sidelined by severe back spasms, I am simply grateful to remain active. So I permit myself to walk if my hip rotator starts to act up or take a day off if my back feels stiff. The women in my family tend to live forever, and I don’t want to outlive my own body.
BCRC/Ellen: Ok, last question! What’s the best piece of running advice you’ve ever received?
Deb: Use more Body Glide than you think you need.
BCRC/Ellen: Another sage and classic nugget of running wisdom if we’ve ever heard one! Appropriate lubrication is an important key to running happy and showering happy after! Deb, thanks so much for taking the time to share your running story with us! It’s been such a treat to get to know you, and we hope that we can return to pre-pandemic group run activities and enjoy some miles with you out in the Durham community very soon!
Thanks to all of you for reading! If you’d like to share your own running story or that of an inspiring running friend, please reach out to Ellen directly at!
Reporting by Ellen Moss, Bull City Running’s Director of Community Engagement.