#RUNDRM Summer Instagram Challenge

Summer is for adventuring to new locales, umbrella drinks on the beach, and sharing all your favorite running pics through our #RUNDRM Instagram Challenge! Explore the Bull City and its vibrant running community with us in your favorite store branded gear over the remainder of the season!
How It Works:
Starting on July 28th, we will release a new prompt each Sunday through August 25th. Participants will have until Friday of the same week to share a post that is reflective of the prompt.
All submissions must be posted on our Instagram page and tagged @bullcityrunning #rundrmchallenge. Each Saturday we will select a weekly winner who will earn a prize related to the weekly prompt. If you submit a post for each week of the challenge, you will be entered into a drawing for a grand prize! The grand prize drawing will be held on Saturday, August 31st.
Rules and Regulations:
Only 1 post per week per participant, please!
We will let you know that we’ve seen your post each week by liking it on Instagram. If we haven’t liked it by the weekly Friday deadline, that might mean we haven’t seen it.
*Remember: If your Instagram account is set to “private” we cannot see your posts unless we’re following you. If this is the case, just shoot us a DM and we’ll give you a follow!
We will monitor contest participation through Instagram only. However, sharing your posts through other social platforms as well is highly encouraged. Keep spreading that #rundrm love, friends!
Thank your for joining the fun, and we look forward to following your summer running adventures and shenanigans!