Fullsteam Ahead! Run Club – Season 10

Attention Fullsteam Ahead! Run Clubbers! Even though we can’t get together for our Wednesday night meet ups right now, you can still log your weekly runs to earn sweet swag!
Here’s the Deal:
It’s easy! All you have do is run the Run Club route of your choosing between Monday and Sunday each week and document it here. We’ll track your weekly runs and distribute the usual bounty of free stuff at the end of the season (hopefully live and in-person!)
5+ runs = custom Run Club glassware
12+ runs = custom pint + custom Run Club tech tee
The 2020 Run Club season ends on Wednesday, October 28th, so get out there and get running!
Some Things to Keep in Mind:
- Please submit only one run each week.
- Show Fullsteam some love! Although we can’t gather there en masse, they are open for beer and food take-out, so keep running AND drinking local!
- Stay safe! Respect traffic/pedestrian laws and social distancing recommendations.
- Stay in touch! Let us know that your still out there running Durham by connecting with us and sharing your running adventures on social media:
- Tag us @bullcityrunning and #rundrm on Instagram or Twitter
- Join the Fullsteam Ahead! Run Club on Strava
- Join the Durham Social Distance Project club on Strava and Facebook
Running Routes:
We have options! You can choose from the following routes or choose your own adventure. You can download the routes below to Strava. If you are not familiar with the area, please print a map to take with you: